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  • What are the Benefits of Making Organic Fertilizer From Cow Manure

What are the Benefits of Making Organic Fertilizer From Cow Manure

What are the Benefits of Making Organic Fertilizer From Cow Manure
1. The functional microorganisms in organic fertilizer fermented from cow manure can inhibit harmful pathogenic bacteria. The manure ferment contains a large number of functional beneficial microorganisms, and most of the beneficial microorganisms will be retained after the manure organic fertilizer is fermented. Functional microorganisms are applied to the soil together with cow manure and organic fertilizer and multiply rapidly, forming a dominant population in the inter-root soil microbiological system of crops, inhibiting the growth and reproduction of other harmful microorganisms, and even antagonizing certain harmful pathogenic bacteria, reducing the chance of harm from harmful microorganisms.

2. Organic fertilizer fermented from cow manure is more comprehensive in nutrition and promotes healthy plant growth. The practice of many users of manure fermented organic fertilizer has proved that the crop plant is good, disease resistance is enhanced, and the occurrence of diseases is reduced. For example, in the experiment of cabbage, the incidence of soft rot disease caused by planting special bacteria was 2% after using chicken manure organic fertilizer made by New Life Source manure fermenters, while the incidence of using special fertilizer for vegetables and direct use of manure was 17% and 20%, respectively.

3. The metabolites of functional microorganisms in fermented organic fertilizer of cow manure can improve crop resistance. Microorganisms residing in cow manure secrete various metabolites to the inter-root soil microbiological system of crops during growth and reproduction. These metabolites can improve the photosynthesis of plants, stimulate their growth, and increase the ability of crops to resist adverse environments, so that few diseases occur during crop growth.

Cow manure contains 38.0 kg of nitrogen, 5.3 kg of phosphorus and 47.6 kg of potassium. Fermented and rotted cow manure fertilizer can give full play to its fertilizing effect, and cow manure fermentation is an important step in the processing technology of making organic fertilizer. Manure can improve crop quality, reduce nitrate content and increase protein and amino acid content of food crops. Manure and chemical fertilizer can complement each other and promote each other at the same time. It also enhances the ability of the soil to retain and supply fertilizer.

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