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  • Advantages of new-type double roll extrusion granulator

Advantages of new-type double roll extrusion granulator

Advantages of new-type double roll extrusion granulator

Shande Machinery produces a new type of double roll extrusion granulator with low energy consumption, high energy saving, low investment, simple operation and so on.

1.Low energy consumption and high energy saving: the new type of double roll extrusion granulator is a material granulation method at room temperature. Compared with other methods, it does not require drying methods such as fuel and gas, and only needs to use the material itself. The intermolecular force, simplify the process and reduce energy consumption. Using new-type double roll extrusion granulator can simplify the process and reduce energy consumption

2. Because the drying process saves costs, the return is low (approximately 15% of the total amount of extruder) and the process is simple, so the investment is low.

3. The new type of double roll extrusion granulator uses more than 20 kinds of materials such as ammonium nitrate, urea, ammonium chloride, calcium nitrate, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, etc.. Moreover, the extrusion granulation process can flexibly change the product formula in a short time. A set of new-type double roll extrusion granulator can produce more than 30 kinds of formula products.

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