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What are the Beneficial Bacteria in Bio-Organic Fertilizer?

What are the Beneficial Bacteria in Bio-Organic Fertilizer?
Some people are curious, what are the beneficial bacteria in the bio-organic fertilizer? Now the following excerpts are shown, only for mastery.

1. Bacillus subtilis: can inhibit the growth and development of harmful germs, bacteria and viral infections in the soil layer, and enhance the resistance of crops and resistance to work.

2. Bacillus megaterium: It has the function of dissolving methyl parathion in the soil layer very well.

3. Bacillus mucilaginous: It has the ability to use and dissolve phosphorus and potassium minerals, and it also has the ability to work as nitrogen fixing bacteria, stimulate the growth of plants and suppress green plant diseases, etc.

4. Bacillus licheniformis: It suppresses the reproduction of disease-causing bacteria in the soil layer and the erosion of green plant roots, and reduces green plant cranberry disease and pests.

5. Bacillus thuringiensis: microbial source of microtoxic insecticide, used to prevent a variety of pests.

6. Bacillus saprophyticus: Promote the growth and development of green plant roots, improve the absorption of rootstocks, dry solid multiple heavy metal overload, reduce heavy metal overload components in the body of green plants, inhibit the breeding of pathogens inside and outside plant cells, and alleviate diseases.

7. collagen fiber bacterium: with phosphorus solubilization, potassium release and nitrogen fixing bacteria, and at the same time can cause organic matter, carbohydrates, sugar content, growth hormones and other chemicals beneficial to the digestion, absorption and use of green plants in the process of growth and development and reproduction.

8. Streptomyces jingdaoensis:Suppress some bacterial pests and diseases. It has the ability to improve soil organic matter and stimulate the work of plant growth and development.

9.Mycorrhizal bacteria:Expanding the digestion and absorption surface of the rootstock and enhancing the absorption power of the original root hair digestion and absorption of the original elements outside the scope of digestion and absorption.

10.Dumpling-colored nitrogen-fixing bacteria: fixing the mineral acid nitrogen in the immobile air, high yield.

11. Photosynthetic flora: Extracts hydrogen from sulfur and nitrogen oxides in the soil layer and turns them into harmless chemicals; generates glycogen, carbohydrates, vitamins, nutrient chemicals, antiviral chemicals and physiologically active substances, etc.

Not necessarily the bio-organic fertilizer with 11 kinds of beneficial bacteria, generally contains only 1 or a few types, in the case of purchase, according to the type of crops and agricultural land conditions to do a good job of selection, or consult the relevant local authority experts.

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